One Year Anniversary Review

Initially, it is motivated by a desire to be healed. In my coaching session, I expressed my dissatisfaction with life. I felt like my life was wasted away because I couldn't utilize some of my gifts and potential. As my coach Jane Song asked me, "What are your untapped gifts you have not used?" I replied, “Writing.” That's how CS Ministries began: writing a short article during my daily bible reading routine. 

Daily writing is an unforgettable journey to encounter God and receive His grace. One year has brought me so many breakthroughs.  

I can testify that God's word has the power to transform, especially renewing our minds and healing our hearts. Here are my top 3 favorite series that helped me overcome my strongholds and experience tremendous breakthroughs

  1. The loop of Denial (Part 1-3)

    The series is about exposing my years of self-deception and I have stopped using denial as a defensive mechanism. As I wrote these posts, God healed my depression since I was 13.

2. Restoring father’s love (Part 1-3), I can see God as a loving father and restore my identity as God's daughter through this series. 

3. The power of self-love (Part 1-4) The series revealed how to experience God's perfect love cast out fear. It's the first time in my life that I truly love myself, and my mind is healthier because of it! My joy and peace overflow and burst! 

Thank you for walking with me on this healing journey, as your encouragement and every "Amen" keeps me going. Thank you all for praying and encouraging me over the past year. Having your support fuels me to keep going and finish the race.     

What’s next? I used to set myself a finish line for stopping writing once I reached 365 entries. But I've decided to remove this man-made finish line. I want to challenge myself to see "how far I can go? ”

Since this will be a long race, I will pace myself and not publish daily. However, I will continue to write more in-depth articles and explore other formats such as sharing testimonies and prophetic words.

I will also join a Christian publishing ministry that will allow my future articles to reach a wider audience. I will likely share those articles on CS ministries. Furthermore, I will continue to revamp the website, especially to categorize nearly 300 articles from the past year.

In the meantime, please feel free to visit, you can use the search bar to browse the previous articles, and you can engage in a fun dialogue based on all my articles with the customized GPT Chatbot.

Until next time!


The power of self love (Part 4)