The power of self love (Part 3)

Christian devotional. AI

For I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:14

Self-hatred is the opposite of self-love. Some people do not believe they hate themselves because hatred is a strong word. In Greek, "hate" means to love ourselves less, so it doesn't necessarily mean we must hate ourselves to death. However, when we feel emotionally cold or numb about ourselves, or blocked from receiving love and acceptance, that is self-hatred. 

As an example of self-hatred, we may find no joy in life, constantly battle anxiety and depression, have difficulty receiving love, and are motivated by performance and pleasing others. This is the big one, you don't like to see yourself in a mirror or in pictures or videos.

“I feel fat!” , “I look old!”  Body image struggles reflect our level of self-hatred. Since the enemy is jealous of humans who have bodies made in God's image, especially women who can reproduce, he attacks most women in this area. This is especially through the media to create unrealistic physical standards. As a result of body image issues, we have been programmed to think of ourselves as unworthy, shameful, and rejected. 

The love of God is the antidote to body image issues resulting from self-hatred . Today's key verse is so empowering because David praises God's marvelous work when he looks at himself as wonderfully made. When we look in the mirror every time, our bodies reflect the revelation "Wow! God is good." We can see the greatness of God through our bodies. 

When we allow ourselves to be self-critical, we devalue God's creation and weaken our value, power, and beauty. Self-hatred is like self-death in that it destroys our wholeness.

Our body image struggles are often driven by comparisons with others and disdain for our appearance. When we compare ourselves to others, we reject the awe that each one is truly special, hence lose sight of our awe and values in our lives. "I am fearfully made" means we are in absolute awe of our Creator. 

When we truly believe that we are God's prized design, we can see ourselves with value and true worth. The most beautiful thing is when a person can connect with their true beauty. Embrace all God has given us and love our temples.

Blessing prayer: I declare that I am your wonderful creation. When I look at myself, I see your awe, beauty and power. In Jesus’ name, Amen 


The power of self love (Part 4)


The power of self -love (Part 2)