Christine So Christine So

The final transition 

In the next and final transition, our souls depart from the earthly realm and enter the eternal realm. There can be pain in the transition, our loved ones on earth may mourn and grieve over our departure, but it is a glorious one because we are finally returning home to be with our heavenly father.

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Christine So Christine So

Food for thought 

Eating and drinking are not only for sustaining our physical bodies, but also have spiritual significance and should be enjoyed as a spiritual reality. We eat and drink for God's glory. Psalm 104:15 says “wine that makes the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread which strengthens man’s heart.” God’s gift of food is goo

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Christine So Christine So

Spin the four powers of God

This multifaceted power of God is described by the four Greek words: DUNAMIS, ENERGEIA, ISCHUS, and KRATO. I will explain the meanings of the words by using my favorite indoor cycling workout, also known as "spinning".

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Christine So Christine So

Romans 8: The Father's letter 

Romans 8 explains the gospel message beautifully, gives assurance that there is no condemnation, gives the role of the spirits in our lives, speaks of our identity as children of God, gives hope in the midst of suffering, and promises an unstoppable love from God.

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Christine So Christine So

Restoring father's love (Part 3)

Moreover, God is a God of order, and He designs and commissions fathers to lead households. It is a leader's responsibility to initiate and provide a role model for the children, and every child is created to follow their parents.

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Christine So Christine So

Restoring father's love (Part 2)

Our identity is established by the love of our father, which releases affirmation, approval, and acceptance. When a father says, “I love who you are, and I am proud of you!" It is a powerful way of instilling a strong self-worth and security in a child.

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Christine So Christine So

Restoring father's love (Part 1) 

As I continue to learn deeper about my Christian faith and inner healing, I realize fatherlessness is the root of many issues. The more I study the Bible, the more I see that our greatest need is to be loved by our father, which is the key to every human's existence.

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Christine So Christine So

Emotional fortitude through facing reality (Part 2)

I am met with genuine attention to detail and questions which help myself, and my advisors, clarify my thoughts and feelings. This serves as an effective catalyst to expose any areas of weakness and helps to build emotional fortitude.

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Christine So Christine So

Emotional fortitude through facing reality (Part 1)

The pain is real, this is reality. We cannot avoid pain and there is no shortcut to overcoming or minimizing the pain we feel. But we can build our emotional muscles with the strength and courage to face reality.

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Christine So Christine So

Title deeds of faith

Sometimes we lose faith in God because we set our false hope on something baseless and our own desires, which confuses what faith is all about. When people mistakenly place their "false hope" on men and earthly things, such as their spouses or partners, or on their careers or businesses, it is unstable, and we are building our foundation on sand.

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Christine So Christine So

Changes of clothes

Life changes aren't easy, and most changes will involve stress and necessary endings. There are times when we need to grieve and say goodbye to our old clothes and move on to a new chapter.

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Christine So Christine So

Self-justification's stopper

However, James also points out that tongues are restless evil and hard to tame. (James 3:8) Our words can indeed reflect our hearts, especially our weaknesses. This quote I found online is particularly true: “Silence is one of the deepest disciplines of the Spirit simply because it puts the stopper on all self-justification.”

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Christine So Christine So

The power of silence (Part 2)

The power of silence can help us connect to ourselves and establish internal peace. We may find ourselves numbing or medicating our inner pain with external stimuli, a form of escapism because we don't want to face the inner turmoil and grief.

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Christine So Christine So

The power of silence (Part 1)

Because our brain's reward pathways have been hijacked, we turn on the screen or play something whenever we experience a dopamine deficit, not only to feel good, but to feel “normal”. The constant dopamine hit is a form of addiction that affects our concentration, productivity, and can even lead to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.

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Christine So Christine So

Serve our land 

Moreover, when we serve the land, we ensure a good harvest with sustainability and don't exhaust our land irresponsibly. Another analogy is to nurture the hens that lay golden eggs and not slaughter them for a one-time gain

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Christine So Christine So

The fulfilment of Love - Action (Part 3)

Throughout His three year ministry on earth, Jesus walked in love and showed "love in action.He traveled long distances preaching the gospel, healing the sick, and casting out demons. In particular, he enjoys spending time with many people at the dining table.

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Christine So Christine So

The fulfilment of Love - Commitment (Part 2)

Commitment isn't easy and requires wisdom and maturity. Often, people are pressured into committing to a person or a task that they don't want to do because they have commitment issues or commitment guilt.

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Christine So Christine So

The fulfilment of Love - Decision (Part 1)

Does God feel pain when His children reject His love and grace? I believe so. We could have been made like robots to follow His commands, yet He gives us free will to choose whether or not to love Him.

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Christine So Christine So

A deep sleep before Eve

As we fall asleep, we can be rooted and more bonded to God and experience seasons of non-romantic relationships with our family, friends and church, as marriage isn't all about romantic love; our spouse is also our best friend, family member, and a symbol of Christ's love.

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Christine So Christine So

Shine bright like a diamond 

Likewise, diamonds are formed by intense pressures and harsh processes, and they are not easily seen, they require drilling and extraction, and they require polishing to reveal their beauty and value.

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