Ask with faith

Christian devotional, AI

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

The truth of a genuine prayer is that " I don't have what it takes, but God can.” When we pray with sincere faith, we acknowledge God's power and demonstrate our dependence on God.  Our prayers should be accompanied by humility and a model of ASK. 

'ASK' is an acronym for 'Ask, Seek, Knock,' and some prayers require these three phases for answers. 

Ask: As the first step in prayer, asking involves making a request to God.  Frequently, we ask someone for something, and if we want to receive something, we need to take the initiative to ask.

Seek: Seeking entails asking plus action. It means that seeking takes an active role in the prayer process, we ask and act upon it, just as when we want something, we seek and hunt it down. 

Knock: Knocking is asking with action and attitude. This attitude represents our persistence in knocking, when we attempt to gain entry into somewhere we want to be, we continue to knock. When we knock on the doors, we are praying with faith. 

When we knock on a door, not every door opens immediately; sometimes, we need to knock until the door opens, so perseverance is necessary. The process may also show that God answers our prayers as we act on our faith. 

Rather, the prayer process helps us develop persistence in faith by undergoing three progressive stages. I am sure that the door will be opened at some point, as the scripture promises. When we ask, seek, and knock, we look for God's presence who holds all the answers, rather than our expected answers. Our Father is loving and good, so we can expect Him to open the door for us. 

Blessing prayer:  Knowing no prayer goes unanswered, we ask, seek, and knock to meet our God who knows all the answers. In Jesus' name, Amen


Shine so brightly 


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