A beautiful mind - Commendable (Part 7) 

A good name is better than precious ointment, And the day of death than the day of one’s birth. Ecclesiastes 7:1

The sixth attribute is commendable, which often translates as “good report.” Basically, it means something is admirable and worthy of praise and approval. It also implies that things or people with a good reputation are well spoken by others. 

I enjoy writing reference letters for people I know.  By writing the letter that makes my thoughts commendable about the person, I will take the time to highlight his or her character and good deeds. I always enjoy the writing process and see it as a gift to the person if I write a reference letter with commendable thoughts. 

As well, I am delighted to receive a good reference letter that mentions some commendable things about me. In addition, I often am not aware that I possess those qualities, and it makes me very grateful for those who acknowledge them. In similar fashion, Paul often praises and talks about the good things done by his fellow co-labourers in his letters and he himself shows how to think commendablely.

A good report also refers to a good reputation. Simply put, reputation is someone's perspective on our lives. Although not everyone can give an accurate account of others, our character, consistent deeds, and words do form our reputation.  A person's reputation is based on their character, and their character is based on their actions, and their actions are based on what they think. As a result, our thought life shapes our character, and a good reputation follows along. 

What should we dwell on that is “commendable ”? Knowing how God sees us and His view of us gives commendable thoughts. Knowing ourselves worthy of praise with God's approval allows us to see the world and others through God's eyes. Instead of thinking negatively about someone or something, we will be able to see the good in the midst of evil instead of focusing on it. 

Furthermore, the media portrays a lot of bad news and drama, which will make our minds  full of negativity. It is better not to spend a lot of time on negative news or content, but rather feed on positive and Godly content. 

Whenever we focus on Jesus and do His will, like Mary anointing Jesus with expensive oil, Jesus said, “what she has done will also be told in memory of her.” Likewise, Jesus remembers every good deed we do for Him, so may our life be filled with good reports.

Blessing prayer: May our thoughts and actions be commendable. Give us a good report about ourselves and others. Help us to develop godly character to have a good reputation. In Jesus' name, Amen


A beautiful mind - Excellence (Part 8) 


A beautiful mind - Lovely  (Part 6)