A different spirit

But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it. Numbers 14:24

The word "different" spirit in Hebrew is 'aḥēr which means “following”.

God uses the first person tone to describe Caleb following Him wholeheartedly so his generations will enter the promised land and receive inheritance. In Joshua 14, it is repeatedly mentioned that “Caleb followed the Lord wholeheartedly " three times.  Caleb's story shows how a person who follows God will receive God's promises and live a victorious life. 

Caleb demonstrated great focus on God's promises. After the other ten spies delivered the bad report, the whole congregation complained, preferring to go back to Egypt and even rebelling against Moses to demand a different leader. Caleb stood out to quiet the crowd and reminded them that God would bring them to the promised land. He described the enemy as “bread for us ”. In times of confusion and not knowing where to go, we tend to look backward as if we were driving by looking in the rearview mirror. However, when we follow God like Caleb, we can always look forward, be sure of our direction, and finish the race regardless of the obstacles.

Caleb's conquering faith remains unaffected by the bad report. Caleb demonstrates that we don't need to be afraid when we hear bad news. Caleb follows God wholeheartedly to the point that fear doesn't enter his mind. Caleb, who has great faith, says, "Let us go up and posses the land at once." When people have faith like Caleb, they always look for opportunities instead of focusing on the opposition. 

Caleb keeps pressing forward because he knows what he wants. Even at 85, Caleb didn't retire, telling Joshua about his conquest, “Give me this mountain...and I will drive them out.” Joshua blessed Caleb and gave him Hebron. Hebron is a highland and David used it as his capital for seven years.  Following God does not require living in a low land or appearing weak, a man of altitude and strength is also an indication of following God. 

Following God results in bold, conquering faith that leads to God's inheritance. Whenever we follow God wholeheartedly and truly know God's promises, we won't have the timid, wishy washy attitude of “I am okay with whatever, so I won't ask anything.” God has put dreams, desires, and promises in our hearts, so may the spirit of Caleb be upon us and so we are fueled with focus, conquering faith and pursue the inheritance boldly.

Blessing prayer: We pray that the spirit of Caleb be upon us so that we may follow you wholeheartedly. Each obstacle is an opportunity, and we will never lose hope and dream of receiving the promises and inheritance you have promised. In Jesus' name, Amen


The heart of stewardship


Bless the Lord