A humble mind

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5

Being humble isn't just a concept, it leads to a mindset like Jesus'. In Philippians 2:3-11,  Paul defines humility and shows Jesus as the ultimate example of humility by lowering Himself to become a man and being obedient to the point of death. In particular, the key verse states that having humility leads to having Christ's mind

How do we cultivate a humble mind like Christ's?  It is my belief that walking in the spirit is vital to cultivating a humble mind. Unlike the worldly thinking that we are told to believe in ourselves and promote self-will, I personally find that thinking like this helps me rely more on the spirit: "Lord, I cannot do this. I need your help.”

It's not just about asking the Lord for help in difficult situations. We can continually ask the Holy Spirit to be in the presence of humility, like in any ordinary situation, we can inquire the Spirit, “Lord, what should I say to this stranger? Is there anything you want me to do today?"

In my experience, asking questions to the Holy Spirit consistently helps my mind be humbled so I can easily submit to God's will, and thus I am empowered by the spirit.  Human minds are easily prone to doing things on their own, which can be driven by pride. When we become weak so that His power can be perfected in our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9). 

Humility enables us to see God, ourselves, and others from the right perspective. True humility takes our eyes off ourselves and sets them on Jesus, giving us a right mind and a willingness to look out for the interests of others instead of our own (Phillipians 2:4). As a result, humility gives us the power to achieve spiritual growth and to become more like Jesus, whose life exemplified surrender, service and sacrifice, thus enabling us to receive the mind of Christ. 

When we are humbled, we put people first, which promotes the unconditional love of God; humility restores broken relationships, wins people's respect so we can spread hope and witness our faith; humility gives us peace of mind because we don't have to prove ourselves right, to strive or to hold a position, because we know when to bow down and step back as humility is an incredibly gracious gift that shows the world that how we trust in God.

Also, our minds are like magnets, as this is the spiritual principle that God gives grace to those who are humble and oppose the proud. Hence, when our minds are humble, we will attract God's grace and favor, whereas pride will repel it. Let’s renew our minds and learn from Jesus, for He is gentle and humble in heart!

Blessing prayer: May we walk in the spirit and stay in humility by following Jesus's example. In Jesus’ name, Amen 


A beautiful mind -Whatever  (Part 1) 


Fear-based false humility (Part 3)