A journey to the unknown 

AI, Christian devotional

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. Hebrew 11:8

It is God's plan to lead His people into the unknown. It's usually far from our familiar places, so He requires that we trust Him even when we don't know where we're going. It's the life of faith. God calls every believer to adventure.

But not everyone is up for God's adventure, especially when we crave security and control. Especially when God asks us to go without too many details, often giving us one step at a time.

God called Abraham to leave home, his comfort zone. Abraham's hometown was an unbelieving and idolatrous society, but it gave him familiarity and comfort. Though it was not an easy decision, Abraham obeyed by faith. ”He left the river lands that gave him stability, his culture, and all that was familiar to him. 

Abraham followed God without planning, not knowing where the destination is.  He knew that unknown place was where he would receive His promises and inheritance. The journey wasn't smooth, Abraham traveled to many places, pretty much all over the land. Because he was a nomad his entire life, he didn't possess the promised land until his descendants possessed and conquered it. 

Why did God ask Abraham to go to the unknown place? It is because the journey was more significant than the destination. On the journey, Abraham encountered God and confirmed His promises. He learned that He is Jevohah Jireh, he witnessed God's faithfulness, and most importantly, God transformed Abram into Abraham, giving him God's spirit and a new identity.  

Like Abraham, God often asks us to go to the unknown to stretch our faith, which is uncomfortable and inconvenient. However, discomfort brings growth. God's purpose is so much more about the journey than about where we are going, it's about who we are becoming. 

Blessing prayer: Stretch our faith and may we follow your adventure into the unknown to encounter you and become the person you want us to be. In Jesus' name, Amen 


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