A resurrected rod 

AI, Christian devotional

behold, the rod of Aaron, of the house of Levi, had sprouted and put forth buds, had produced blossoms and yielded ripe almonds. Numbers 17:8 

During Number 16, there was a rebellion against Moses and Aaron, and to deal with it, God asked the leaders of the twelve tribes each to bring a lifeless rod from a tree and put it before the tabernacle. The key verse shows only Aaron's rod budded, blossomed, and even produced ripe almonds, his rod came to life, representing the power of resurrection, God's acceptance and approval in His ministry.

Aaron's budding rod also illustrates a principle of serving God, dying to ourselves and letting God's resurrection power manifest in us. With God's power, we turn from nothing to life—just like the rod of a lifeless tree, which buds, blooms, and ripes. 

As an example, I will struggle to write the daily devotional when I rely on my natural strength, and the daily commitment can be gruesome to my natural mind. There are voices from the enemy telling me that no one reads your devotional, so why bother?  With my natural abilities, I would have stopped writing long ago.

I need to die to myself and pray to the Lord daily, "Lord, I don't know what to write, so please give me a fresh anointing every day so you can use me to write what you want.” Secondly, I focus on creating content and let God find the people who need to read. God's grace shows me what to write every day, sometimes I accidentally flip the verse, revelation through my prayer walk, or during quiet time when He asks me to study certain words and topics.

Writing this devotional helps me trust in God's strength rather than my own. Whatever we do, doing with resurrection means everything belongs to God, and not to us, so we can tap into that power in our work, ministries and building relationships.

The same way that God vindicated Aaron’s work we don’t need to prove our work.  By doing everything in resurrection, God can do it for us as He gives us the power to accomplish the tasks He assigns us.

Blessing prayer: We are earthen vessels, but it is You who have the excellency of power. Let us yield the spirit that gives us resurrection power in everything we do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


The things that matter


Broken transformation