Agape love and boldness

AI. Christian devotional

Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” John 21:15

During Jesus' ministry, Peter appeared bold. He attempted to walk on the water, cut off a soldier's ear, and even told Jesus, “I could die with you, but I would never deny you.” After Jesus was arrested, Peter was even intimidated by a servant girl and denied Jesus three times. Thus, he might have been faking his boldness to impress Jesus and the other disciples rather than being genuine.

Peter's life changed drastically after Jesus's resurrection. The book of Acts describes Peter's boldness in preaching and performing many miracles, as well as building churches. Peter also says “We must obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29

Why did Peter move from fearful denial to bold proclamation of the gospel? It has to be the moment during which Jesus asked Peter three times, "Do you love me? ", in order to restore him and to inspire him to mature his love for Jesus.

The first two times Jesus used the word love, which is Agape in Greek, meaning unconditional love, but Peter replied three times with phileo, which means brotherly or friendship love.  Jesus asked Peter Agape twice to hint that Peter must love Him unconditionally in order to be bold and fulfill his calling. 

As “Perfect love (Agape) casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18. Peter used to be intimidated by fear,  but once Peter's love for Jesus transitioned from friendship affection to Agape love, he broke free from fear and had the holy boldness to do God's work.

What is most frightening about a bold man?  It is someone who has nothing to lose and does not fear losing their lives for Christ. Ultimately, Peter loved God unconditionally to the point of death, as he was known for his martyrdom on an upside-down cross.  Like Peter, let us grow in our love for Christ until we reach Agape love and are bold in faith.

Blessing prayer: May our love for you grow day by day until it matures into Agape love. Let your perfect love cast out all our fears, so we can be bold for you and have no fear of men. In Jesus’ name, Amen 


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