Changes of clothes

Then Pharaoh took his signet ring off his hand and put it on Joseph’s hand; and he clothed him in garments of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck. Genesis 41:42 

As life is seasonal, so are our wardrobes. One man in the Bible is noticeable for wearing different clothes in different seasons, and that is Joseph. The coat of many colors symbolized Jacob's favorite son, he was stripped off by his brothers to be sold as a slave to Egypt, then he put on the garment of slavery, which was stripped off by the Potiphar's wife, then put on the garment of jailer. All of a sudden, Pharaoh summoned him to take off his jailer garment. Finally, he put on fine linen garments for his position as second in command. 

Joseph certainly had an atypical wardrobe. In Joseph's story, we learn that life has different seasons, which is a dynamic process that has both good and bad times. Likewise, I looked at my previous wardrobes, which had various types of clothes for different seasons.  Like Joseph, I have garments for my youth, garments for my trials, and garments for my season of stability. In our wardrobes, we may share similar patterns and traces that correspond with our life stages. 

Life changes aren't easy, and most changes will involve stress and necessary endings. There are times when we need to grieve and say goodbye to our old clothes and move on to a new chapter. In the process of changing the garment, whether it is good or bad, Joseph might have to adapt to a new mindset to accept it. 

As an unchanging fact, "the Lord was with Joseph" regardless of where he was in his life. God's presence was with Joseph to refine his character and faith. This was from a reckless youth that provoked his brothers' jealousy to a man of God who consoled his brothers with the revelation that “You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.” Genesis 50:20 

New clothes symbolize new supplies and season. In times of trouble, we may need to think about the purpose of the garment of test, and we can view the pain through the lens of God's larger purposes for our lives as Joseph did. 

Regardless of what we wear on earth, we are clothed in the garment of salvation as a sign of our sonship and honor. There is nothing on earth that can remove the garment of salvation, and we will wear this garment forever and ever.   

Blessing prayer: Give us strength to embrace new seasons and help us realize that testing and suffering are for our highest good. In Jesus' name, Amen 


Title deeds of faith


Self-justification's stopper