Comparison is a trap

Breaking Free from the Comparison Game | CS Ministries-Devotional

For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 2 Corinthians 12:10

Every time we compare ourselves with others, we lose and the devil wins. This trap only leads to two roads: If we are better, we are led to pride; if we are worse, we are led to intimidation, for some people may feel inferiority and fear. When the enemy can't keep a Christian from heaven, he will use "comparison" as an effective strategy to trap us on earth, especially in our minds. 

Social media can negatively impact our mental health, especially for young people. It can increase feelings of depression, anxiety, loneliness, envy, and resentment because social media is a comparison trap.

Also, the problem with comparing ourselves is that we measure ourselves against man's standards, not God's standards. Similar to the two roads analogy, when we compare ourselves with someone who does more than us, we might believe we aren't doing enough. However, if we compare ourselves to someone lazy, we may feel tempted to do less. So, what is the standard of measure? The Bible states "No one is good, not even one! (Romans 3:10) , so comparing with fellow people is pointless, as since it isn't aligned with God's standard, as no men is perfectly good.

According to today's key verse, comparing ourselves with others is not "wise," and the opposite of "wise" is foolishness. Because God's divine design is to make everyone unique, it is foolish to compare. Regardless of our similarities, God never creates an identical person, we are all designed according to His unique plans. He does not make us keep up with others, but creates us to be faithful to Him. 

Since everyone is unique, being single does not mean married people are better than you. It doesn't make us inferior or worthless if we don't earn more money than others. What we have now is what we need now, where we are now is where God wants us to be. Ultimately, we aim to finish the race and each of us gives our own account to God one day. We don't want to regret that we were preoccupied with impressing people on earth and following men's vain standards while neglecting God's will. 

When we realize each of us is unique and plays an irreplaceable role in God's assignments, we can easily come out of the trap of comparison and truly shine and be unique.

Blessing prayer: May you deliver us from the comparison trap so that we can understand how God views our uniqueness and fully embrace who we are, in Jesus' name, Amen 


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