Creating from nothing

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 

In Hebrew, the word "create" is "bara", depicting God as the creator of heaven and earth, individual man, and new circumstances and transformations. 

“Bara” often refers to God creating something from nothing. The word is usually used in the Bible, representing God as the creator and the genius behind the new creation, which only He can accomplish. "Bara" is a powerful reminder of God's creation  power. This is God's awesome power: He created the universe from nothing by His word. 

In contrast to human creation, where we reshape existing materials to create something new, "Bara" from God requires no pre-existing substance.  For instance, we can arrange flowers to look beautiful, but we cannot create the existence of a flower or create the intricate details of a leaf. We cannot cause the seed to sprout and make the plant live. 

Besides His physical creation, God's "bara" work extends to our hearts and circumstances. He is able to create something new from nothing, no matter what our circumstances are. Our attempts to bring about change within the existing circumstances are so insignificant compared to God's creation power.

The ultimate “bara” is the new creation in Christ. The old self bound by sin and death is recreated into a new self that is alive in Christ.  God's creative power brought circumstantial and transformational changes from Abram to Abrahm, from Saul to Paul. 

As we reflect on our own lives, we may recall countless "bara" moments in which God created a way for us when there seemed to be no way.

As we step into the new year, we are reminded that God's creative work never stops, and we are being renewed day by day. Are you ready to let Him "bara" into your life? 

Blessing prayer:  You are God of new creation and always in transformation. May you create a new spirit and a new heart within us. Let us forget the former things to embrace the newness of life. In Jesus ‘name, Amen


Heavenly records


Asking for the rain