Do it again

“For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Revelation 19:10

The word testimony in Hebrew is ʿēḏûṯ, which means “do it again with the same power and authority." In the key verse today, we also note that whenever a testimony is about Jesus, it is empowered by the Holy Spirit. 

A testimony is not just a story that encourages; it is the release of the spirit of prophecy. In addition to foretelling the future, prophecy also seeks to change the present through the release of words.

The testimonies help stir our faith and change our reality. They simply demonstrate that what God did for someone else, He will do for you .There are testimonies that people have been healed after hearing healing testimonies. “He will do it again!” is the essence of the testimony”. When we hear a testimony, the Lord prophecies breakthroughs and releases His presence to us. Testimonies create an atmosphere for God to repeat miracles. 

Testimonies confirm God's work and make His grace real. Hearing someone speak about their experience can inspire our faith as we are reminded that God is alive and at work. There is one church that has a "testimony" session every service. This is a wonderful opportunity for people to testify to God's greatness and honor Him. Having testimonies shared can honor God while stirring the listeners to praise God, bringing His work to life. 

Every Christian is a witness for Christ. We testify to Jesus' transforming work by our testimonies, which confirm that He is the way, the truth, and the life!

Blessing prayer: May the spirit of prophecy empower us to testify to Jesus and bring hope to people that God will do it again! In Jesus’ name, Amen


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