Doubling Increase 

AI, Christian devotional

Elisha said, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.” 2 King 2:9

Double portion is a Biblical concept that signifies God's special blessing. According to Deuteronomy 21: 7, the firstborn son is entitled to a double share of his father's inheritance. Father's love and favor were evident in the double portion. A double portion was restored to Job's possessions, Hannah received a double portion for her husband, and Paul said ministers who teach God's word should be considered worthy of double honor (1 Timothy 5:17). 

According to today's key verse, Elisha was an apprentice to Elijah, and Elijah granted Elisha a double portion of his spirit. It is true that Elisha performed double the number of miracles that Elijah performed. One notable example is that Elijah only raised one person from the dead, while Elisha raised two people. 

A double portion illustrates God's love and favor as well as the multiplicative effect of His blessings. As opposed to addition, doubling a number is like multiplying it by two or increasing it by 100%. 

The smart investor will ask, “At what rate of return must I invest to double my money?” Generally, the population doubles every 40 years or so if it continues to grow at a healthy rate. There was even church growth in one Sunday, when 120 members became 3000 (Acts 2:41). God works through multiplication. His creation and work reflect His wisdom.

The Bible is filled with divine multiplication. Contrary to what the prosperity gospel teaches, we cannot command God to increase 100% of all good things immediately. We must sow and reap, because those who multiply are good and faithful. As in Matthew 25's parable of the talents, the good and faithful servant has a "multiply" mindset while the wicked servant has a "maintain" mindset. In God's eyes, whatever God puts in our hands, whether it's finances, ministries, gifts, or children, when we do it faithfully and obediently, God will multiply it. By faith, it's time to multiply what God has given us and ask for a double portion!

Blessing prayer: Lord, we declare that everything you do will be multiplied and increased. Our focus is no longer on maintaining, but we partner with you so you will multiply, In Jesus' name, Amen.




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