Expelling evil monkey

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, 1 Corinthians 14:33

Have your mind wandered, jumping from thought to thought, difficult to focus when reading the Bible, worshiping or spending quiet time with God, feeling restless, overwhelmed and unsettled? “Monkey mind” is an accurate description of this mental state. In fact, this is the spirit of confusion behind it, which Satan uses to attack and manipulate our minds and hinder our lives.  

Our mind is like a city, and when the gates are open, Satan will dispatch his evil monkey cohort, to confuse our minds and make us feel overwhelmed, and overwhelm means “overcome and overpower ”. Using this technique, Satan manages to overpower us by creating confusion in our minds. The enemy does not want us to be aware of the “evil monkey”. 

What would the evil monkey or the spirit of confusion do to us? First, it will flood us with negative voices in our minds. The aim of the evil monkey is to take over our minds, including self-judgment, condemnation and accusation etc. By hijacking our minds, the evil monkey will spread confusional language, such as “Does God really love you” The evil monkey spreads lies and doubts about God, and Eve succumbs to them. 

Confusion is a bait, the ultimate goal of the evil monkey is to confuse our identity in Christ and make us feel uncertain about God's purpose. Our adversaries are proficient at making us behave in a way that distracts us and causes confusion, ultimately causing us to disobey God and to fail to fulfill God's purposes.

I use the evil monkey as a metaphor to draw attention to the devil's work. Identifying the spirit of confusion is the first step to expel or guard against the evil monkey. God has given us the authority to bind the spirit of confusion, and He has given His sword of the spirit, that is the word of God to expel the evil monkey. Having expelled the spirit, we will invite the Holy Spirit to fill our minds with peace, calm, and order. 

It may be necessary to seek mature Christians and ministers to help walk with you if the confusion spirit is a stronghold. God will help us win the battles through His power of love.

Blessing prayer: Help us guard our minds and hearts against Satan's tactics at all times. The spirit of confusion shall be expelled by power, love, and a sound mind. In Jesus' Name, Amen


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