Lust, Caution

Christian devotional, love and lust

Then Amnon hated her exceedingly, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said to her, “Arise, be gone!” 2 Samuel 13:15

Today's key verse is from the lust-driven affair of Amnon, one of David's sons, and how he expelled his half-sister Tamar after he disgraced her. Due to his obsession with his sister, Amnon committed the illicit and perverted act. The story brought about lust, which is destructive. Likewise, Samson lusted after Philistine's women, causing him a catastrophic end, though God's plan prevailed through his fall. 

While most people would not commit such a sordid act as Amnon, we may be susceptible to fantasy, which can lead to lustful thoughts and infatuation. As it gives a strong feeling of attraction, fascination, and fixation toward someone, infatuation is often confused with love. I've never felt anything like this before. It has to be true love." The hormones and chemicals are euphoric, similar to intoxicating drugs.

“Love is blind! ” Is a big lie, but when we are engulfed with lust, it blinds us to red flags and early signs of incompatibility. Whenever someone becomes infatuated with someone, it is like being bewitched by an imagined fantasy. An infatuated person keeps thinking about the object of fantasy, even when there is no deep conversation or personal knowledge. The infatuated person is delighted at the idea of having this person or "being" chosen by the object of interest. As a result of infatuation, things move quickly, so we want to achieve relationship milestones as soon as possible. As a result, lust is often short-lived and hurtful. 

I'm not saying that love at first sight or physical attraction are impossible or unimportant, such as when Jacob fell in love with Rachel, “And Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seem unto him but a few days.” Genesis 29:20, is probably one of the most romantic lines in the Bible. It is noteworthy that love opposes lust. Jacob is definitely driven by love, not lust, because true love is committed and patient.

A genuine love serves the other person's best interests, but when a relationship is based on lust, it is selfish and self-serving, whereas a person under the spell of infatuation will often serve his or her object of interest blindly to satisfy their appetite. 

Lust rushes, but Love waits because it is patient and kind. In contrast to lust, love is not self-seeking, it heals rather than hurts, it gives rather than takes. It's important to note that love motivates us to be more Godly, while lust compels people to go against God's will. Lust, cautious! We pray that the Holy Spirit protects and leads our marriages and relationships. 

Blessing prayer: Teach us how to love like you and free us from the spell of fantasy and infatuation so that we can have a healthy intimacy with others. In Jesus' name, Amen


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