Not so sure

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21

Often, we feel lost and disoriented in life, and it is not about choosing right or wrong, but rather choosing left or right.  Some of us feel stuck and don't know what to do, while others have options but don't know where to go. As humans, we are tempted to calculate and assess risks using our minds. If we choose this path A, what are the pros and cons, and how can we minimize the risk of failure or potential damage? It is as if we activate the "self preservation" mode. It can be frustrating when we seek guidance from God, but He doesn't always provide 100% clarity or confirmation. As a result, we are even more confused and disoriented. 

When life seems disorienting, doubt, fear, and insecurity arise, stealing our joy and peace. We may even ask God, “Do you still remember me? ” We ask God for a sure plan or 100% confirmation while taking the leap, otherwise we won't leave our comfort zone. 

In retrospect, I realized that sometimes waiting on God is a disguise for not having enough faith to move forward. A 100% sure plan indicates that we don't want to exercise our 1% faith.  As humans, we tend to focus on the possible outcomes, “Lord, what if this decision ends up so bad? ”.  In some cases, the outcome may not be what we expected, or even it could be bad, but God does not want us to fixate on the outcome. God wants us to put our trust in Him without worrying about the outcome. As we walk with God along the way, He is interested in our growth and faith in Him. He constnatly teaches us how to walk by faith and not by sight. 

Whether to go left or right, or do the right thing or not may not be that important.  When we get God involved in our lives, knowing that He is present and promises to be with us, He can bless our decisions like a dim sum sheet to choose various options.  

Like today's key verse, God is with us wherever we go! He sent the helper, the Holy Spirit to guide us at all times. Let us be 100% certain of this truth: “I am with you always! ” (Matthew 28:20) God is with us—no matter what we do or where we go! 

Blessing prayer: Even when we lack faith, you remain faithful. You will never leave us nor forsake us. We hold on to this truth in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Man’s responsibility 


The swamp of self-pity (Part 2)