Slow is deep

AI, Christian devotional

Wait on the Lord, And keep His way, And He shall exalt you to inherit the land; When the wicked are cut off, you shall see it. Psalm 37:34

The Navy Seals have a famous saying: Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. This military mantra emphasizes the importance of paying attention to details when doing a task, especially during stressful times. Slowing down can help us focus on completing one task at a time correctly and prevent costly mistakes, saving us time and resources in the long run.

In the midst of instant culture and a hectic world, it's hard to slow down. We sometimes work like sprinters, trying to accomplish a lot within a short period of time, instead of running like marathoners to maintain a sustainable pace. 

Having a hasty spirit can derail our destiny and purpose, it will cause us to function in a cycle of fatigue and poor decision-making. Usually we act in a hurry because of impatience that stems from fear and stress brought on by uncertain circumstances. . 

As a result of fear, we act impatiently because we fear that we have missed God's opportunity, so we jump on any opportunity even when we lack peace and know that it is out of desperation. When we grow tired of waiting for God to fulfill a promise, we want an immediate solution. When we operate from a place of fear and distrust, we usually act hastily. 

Aside from that, the devil always pushes us and plants doubt and unbelief about God's goodness. He likes to see us act prematurely in a spirit of haste. In other words, when we wait upon God with trust, the Spirit moves us powerfully. The spirit always guides and never rushes, so we can discern whether it is from God or from flesh.

In the same way, we cannot see how a seed grows into a tree, and we cannot pull the seedlings to grow faster as we would destroy the plant. Since God is waiting for us to take deep roots in Him, He isn't in a hurry to make promises, so those delays are for our benefit, not to let us down. There is always a process behind a promise.

Let us wait on God to let our character take deep root and be still. When we slow down, we can come to a place of quietness and trust, like Jesus knows how to move and act in God's timing. Selah!

Blessing prayer: Let us slow down and be moved by the Spirit. As we wait on you, may you renew our strength and fill us with hope. In Jesus’ Name, Amen  


Faith like Abraham 


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