The Kingdom reality 

for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17

There are various kingdoms, including the kingdom of the world, the kingdom of darkness, and the kingdom of God. Though these kingdoms are not visible, they are present realities. Jesus established the Kingdom on earth, and He teaches us how to see it, walk in it, and live in it. The Kingdom of God is a reality! 

The first condition of entering God's Kingdom is to be "born again",“​​unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3 We need the second birth because we were spiritually dead due to our trespasses and sins. However, when we are born again, we are alive with Christ and thus are children of God and welcomed into His Kingdom. 

As children of God, we have the right standing of God, which is righteousness. As Jesus said not to worry about eating and drinking on earth, but seek first His Kingdom and righteousness (Matthew 6:33), today's key verse echoes this message. Carnal and natural minds can't comprehend the Kingdom of God. This is because God's kingdom is not about things on earth, but about righteousness, peace, and joy in the spirit. 

The Kingdom can be brought on earth in every area of our lives. At our workplace, for instance, do we experience righteousness, peace, and joy in the spirit?" In other words, do we exercise faith in God and integrity (righteousness), have peace with others and ourselves (peace), and rejoice regardless of difficulties (joy in the spirit). We know whether we are living in God's kingdom if we observe these three things. 

Through the Holy Spirit, we can experience God's kingdom. It is the Spirit within us that makes the kingdom come to life in righteousness, peace, and joy. When we operate from our flesh, we cannot bring His kingdom to earth. We are called to "reign" with God, which means to exercise kingly power and dominion. It is certainly God's Kingdom that will benefit us, but it is also God's Kingdom that He has chosen us to bring on earth to bring His righteousness, peace, and joy to the place where we influence and have dominion.  

God designs our lives to be manifestations of His kingdom. Let us enjoy the benefits of the kingdom and exercise our kingly authority over our circumstances.

Blessing prayer: We are God’s ambassadors for His righteousness, peace, and joy on earth. May the Spirit help us subdue, and have dominion over every circumstance of our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen


The swamp of self-pity  (Part 1) 


Integrity & Congruence