The non-negotiable Sabbath 

For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Exodus 20:11

Around 8 years ago, when I first worked on my first startup, I worked extremely hard, 7 days a week, and until late at night. I suddenly experienced excruciating stomach pain, the doctor could not find the root cause, and no matter what treatment I received, the pain persisted. Sometimes I received prayers and was relieved a short while, but the pain was so unbearable that I thought I would see Jesus soon. 

In my cry to the Lord, the Holy Spirit told me, "You do not keep the Sabbath." As soon as I heard it and repented immediately in prayer, I was instantly healed. My stomach ache was completely GONE. 

I have become an advocate of the Sabbath since this incident and often ask my friends if they've taken their Sabbath or advise them to take a day off once a week. Even with this devotional ministry, I only write and send out six days a week. In my life, keeping the Sabbath is non-negotiable

In the Bible, there are not many specific guidelines on how to observe the Sabbath, but it does say that one should “cease from work ”. Basically, stop doing or even thinking about work and ministries, and rest and relax instead.

One thing I would like to emphasize is that the Sabbath is not about doing, as a legalistic mindset cannot observe the Sabbath. The Sabbath is all about the heart attitude of relinquishing our control and savoring our Savior. 

Why do we feel stressed and anxious? I believe it's the control issue that we strive to control people and situations, and make them go our way, which is why we seem so stressed out. As we learn to abandon outcomes to God, the Sabbath reminds us to trust in God's goodness and sovereignty. 

There is no formula for observing Sabbath, each person finds a different way to relax and connect with God. Personally, I enjoy solitude, cooking, swimming, and reading on my Sabbath. It doesn't matter what activity you choose, as long as it relaxes and rejuvenates you, do it.  This spiritual principle will refresh and reassure us that God loves and cares for us. 

Blessing prayer: Jesus, you are the Lord of the Sabbath. We will diligently enter your rest and cease to strive. Bless us with a worry-free and stress-free life. In Jesus' name Amen


Tune out the noise 

