Trial, Temptation and Discpline (Part 1) 

AI, Christian devotional

“that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 1:7

In our lives, we have all been through difficult times and challenges, whether relational, health-related, or financial etc. It is difficult to distinguish whether an issue is a test from God, a temptation from the devil, or God's discipline. Understanding the distinctions will provide us with wisdom and the right attitude in responding to and navigating these situations. Let me begin with a story: 

A girl who was new to faith was tested by God by remaining single for Him for a period of time. Puzzled, she questioned the test's purpose. Because she was precious to God, and this test would refine her faith, and deepen her relationship with Him (1 Peter 1:7). When the girl asked how to pass the test, God replied, "endurance is the key.". 

Satan, however, attempted to undermine her faith in God. In order to tempt her and lead her astray, he sent a charming and rich man. She fell for his temptation and had an intense relationship with him. The man, however, was a hard-core atheist and got furious when the girl was baptized. God remained present during the temptation, and the girl repented and ended the ungodly relationship after realizing her weakness and sin. It was only by God's grace and His power that we could overcome temptation (2 Corinthians 12:9). 

As the test continued, the girl became impatient and desperate. As it happened, a Christian man infatuated her. Despite knowing he wasn't the one for her, she accepted his proposal out of desperation. She disregarded the Holy Spirit's convictions and other believers' advice not to proceed with the guy. Although the relationship had many problems, she felt like it was a test from God so she had to endure it. They ended up breaking up and having an unnecessary heartbreak.  She wondered what the purpose of this “test ” was, but God replied, “I’d never given you this as a test, and I’d warned you numerous times, but you ignored them.” The girl realized God's discipline and learned to not rush into relationships and trust in God.

I was the girl. It has been almost a decade since these stories took place, but they have taught me important lessons about how to endure tests, flee from temptations, and learn obedience to God's discipline. Part two will discuss the keys to responding.

Blessing prayer: Even we make mistakes, but your grace makes all our broken pieces whole. We are the new creation in Christ, and the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom and guidance at all times. In Jesus' name, Amen


Trial, Temptation and Discipline (Part 2) 


The ministry of reconciliation