Unleash the new creation

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Miracles like divine healing are wonderful to see, such as blind people seeing, paralyzed people walking, but I find an even greater miracle, which every believer in Christ has received, and this is the gift of a new nature. 

There are three parts to a human, the body, the soul, and the spirit. The soul is our mind, will, and intellect, while the spirit is God's spirit. When a person is not yet born again, it is governed by the soul; , they operate entirely on the mind and cannot perceive spiritual things. Having a tendency to sin and living for themselves is natural for them.

In contrast, when one is born again, "all things have become new" as stated in the key verse. A born again person is filled with God's spirit and has a new nature that is instantaneous. We are not an upgrade of a previous model, but something entirely new. Our new nature reveals our new identity as children of God, our new purpose to serve God, and our new capacity to resist sin. 

There is no way to become Jesus instantly because we still can sin and our fleshly minds remain. A new nature is developed through the process of sanctification, enabling us to grow godliness and manifest from the inside out. However, I once thought we needed to fight the old nature vs. the new nature like schizophrenia, since both seem inextricably linked within us. I see it differently now, it isn't necessarily torn between two entities but it depends how we see and grasp our new nature. 

Suppose we have two phones, a brand new smartphone like the latest model of iPhone as our new nature and a vintage Nokia model from the year 2000 as our old nature. Both phones are functional. It's up to us to choose which one to use.  The new phone is already available to every born again believer, but our old way of thinking makes us use the old phone more often, because we view ourselves as old sinners and not as total new creations. 

As we renew our minds, we will realize that this new creation is our true nature, and we are spiritual beings with a body and soul. Let's unleash our new nature to live a miraculous and victorious life for Christ. 

Blessing prayer: Help us to see our new creation and identity through the mind of Christ. Thank you for giving us a new perspective on life as a result of receiving our new nature. In Jesus' name, Amen


Life is a continual feast 


The Saul Complex