Worry free

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34

God wants us to live one day at a time. Why do people worry? Because we focus on the wrong day, we think too much about the past or the future. Those with worrying minds regret the past and anxiety about the future. This robs us of the pleasure of enjoying today. Worse still, worry is speculating that something bad will happen, but it is merely an imaginary future, like F.E.A.R which stands for false evidence appearing real. 

Worry is rooted in uncertainty. In today's key verse, Jesus identifies people's preoccupation with uncertainty about the future. He knows we worry about earthly things in life like what to eat and what to drink. In addition to producing stress, worry robs our joy, drains our energy and wastes our time.   

What are Jesus' solutions to worry? Jesus says in verses 25 to 32 that God knows exactly what we need in every area of our lives. God is able to meet all of our needs, even our deepest needs. Not only does God know our needs, Jesus implies that God is responsible for our future and provides everything for us. However, when we worry, we believe that God won't provide and that we are responsible for getting everything for ourselves. Thus, when people worry, we tend to acquire and hoard things to feel safe and secure, or driven by FOMO (fear of missing out), which leads to stress and burnout. 

How do we become less worried when facing a stressful life event? James 1:2-4 reminds us that when we encounter various trials, the testing of our faith will produce endurance. Rather than reacting in worry mode, we can turn to endurance mode instead; that requires maturity and emotional wholeness; James knows it is not easy, so he asks for God's help. 

Let's trust the process and believe that God will meet our needs each day. We shouldn't worry about suffering during trials, but instead invest our energy in growing our faith since worry is futile. As we grow in Him with endurance, quietness, and trust, we can ultimately live a worry-free life.

Blessing prayer: May we be anxious for nothing and cast all anxieties upon you because You care about us and provide everything we need. In Jesus’ name, Amen


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