Debunk Lies with Ephesians (Part 15)Knowing God Firsthand

"...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him..."Ephesians 1:17

Common Lie:
"To know God, I just need to feed myself with teachings from others; I don’t need to spend time with God intimately to truly know Him."
We live in an information-saturated world, and it’s easy to believe that the more sermons, podcasts, and teachings we consume, the closer we’ll be to God. While these resources are certainly helpful, here’s the truth: they are second-hand information and can never replace the time we spend directly with God—the first-hand experience.

Ephesians 1:17 reminds us that true wisdom and revelation come directly from God. Paul points out the "God of our Lord Jesus Christ," highlighting that even Jesus, in His humanity, sought the Father directly. Jesus modeled for us the importance of pursuing "first-hand" revelation. Then, Paul mentions that the "Father of glory" would give us "the Spirit of wisdom and revelation." This isn’t just about gathering more knowledge; it’s about God revealing Himself to us in a way that changes us from the inside out. The Greek word for "revelation," apokalypsis, means an unveiling—something hidden being brought into the light. This is the kind of deep, personal understanding that we can only get from spending intimate time with God.

Revelation comes from experience: consuming teachings from others is like watching a cooking show. It can be inspiring and educational, but it’s not the same as preparing a meal and savoring it yourself. When we seek God directly, we’re doing the hard work—but the deep work—we’re engaging with Him, experiencing His presence, and allowing Him to nourish our spirits in a way that no second-hand knowledge ever could.

Scripture Immersion:

  • Reflect: When and where do you feel most connected to God? Identify a time and place where you can regularly seek Him intimately. You may write down your experience and any insights you receive.


Abba Father, I long to know You more deeply and personally. I ask that You give me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that I may truly know You. Help me not to rely on second-hand knowledge alone, but to seek You directly, to experience Your presence, and to draw closer to You each day. Holy Spirit, guide me as I pursue a deeper relationship with God, unveiling truths that transform my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Debunk Lies with Ephesians 1 Part 16 The Light We Need 


Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 14 Constant prayer for others