Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 7 Engaged with us
Having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He has purposed in Himself, Ephesians 1:9
Common lies: God is distant and He is uninterested in me.
A common misconception suggests that God is distant and uninterested. However, Ephesians 1:9 counters this lie directly by revealing God's joyous engagement with us. The term "good pleasure" (eudokia) in this verse conveys a sense of delight, goodwill, and kind intention. It shows that it pleases God to make His will known to us, not out of obligation but out of a loving decision.
This involvement is similar to a good father teaching his child to ride a bicycle. The father is not distant or cold, merely teaching a mechanical skill; rather, he is filled with joy, intimately involved in his child's growth and learning. Even when the child falls, the father is delighted in seeing his child succeed and experience growth. This is how God engages with us. His involvement is personal and proactive. Every time we face a challenge, He is watchful, and He delights not only in our successes but also in our process of getting there. He cares about our progress, is emotionally connected in our journey, and is deeply committed to seeing us flourish and succeed.
Even in the most painful times, remember that God is with you, ready to pick you up and delight in your growth. He is not a passive and distant God but an active father throughout our lives. This is God’s will.
Scripture Immersion:
Reflect on a time when you felt God's presence during a trial or struggle. How did that moment help you see His involvement in your life?
Pay attention to God’s involvement in your daily life this week. Note them to see how He is not distant but present.
Prayer and Affirmation:
Lord, I renounce the lies that paint You as a distant God, uninterested in my life. I embrace the truth of Ephesians 1:9, which assures me of Your joyful engagement and deep concern for my growth. Thank You for delighting in revealing Your will to me.In Jesus’ name, Amen.