Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series: Part 5

that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases. Song of Songs 2:7
Heart Matter: The Tendency to Rush

In Song of Songs 2:7, we are reminded, "Do not awaken love until it pleases." While this verse is often associated with the timing of romantic love—cautioning against forcing it to happen prematurely—it also speaks deeply to the natural cycles and timing of our emotional and spiritual growth. God, in His wisdom, created natural rhythms for our lives—just as our bodies need sleep and rest, so too do our hearts and minds.

The words "stir" and "awaken" in this verse refer to arousing something that is meant to be at rest, much like waking up from sleep. Imagine forcing yourself to stay awake all night, denying your body the rest it needs. The result is exhaustion, irritability, and further harm. Similarly, when we rush our emotional healing or try to force personal growth, we risk causing more harm than good. We may find ourselves mentally exhausted, overly critical of ourselves, and even deepening existing insecurities.

Healing and growth are processes that cannot be rushed. They are journeys, not races. We each have different paths and are not competing with anyone, so there’s no need to compare. Trusting in God’s timing means recognizing that sometimes the most important thing we can do is rest and allow God to work in us, even when we don’t see immediate results. Just as sleep restores our bodies for the day ahead, it prepares us for the next stages with renewed energy. God is actively working even while we are sleeping, so trust the process.

Heart Application:

Take a moment to reflect on areas in your life where you might be pushing yourself too hard or feeling pressured “to fix” something or someone. Ask God to reveal where you need to be more patient and allow Him to work in His timing.


Abba Father, thank You for being with us and for actively working in our lives. Help us to recognize the different seasons and to trust the process. Teach us to be patient with ourselves and to honor the seasons of rest You provide. May we develop calmness and stillness, and in quietness, trust that You are actively preparing us for what lies ahead. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series: Part 6


Knowing Your Worth from Song of Songs Series: Part 4