Ordinary Vessels
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13
"In a world that highly values credentials and sophistication, the story of Peter and John in Acts 4:13 serves as a great reminder. These were ordinary men, considered uneducated and untrained, yet they spoke with an astonishing boldness that left people marveling. This wasn't due to their academic or worldly achievements; it was because they had been with Jesus in an intimate way.
Often, we too fall into the trap of admiring those with great education or worldly stature. However, God looks beyond our earthly resumes. He sees our hearts and our availability. When Peter and John chose to follow Jesus, their hearts were transformed. They became dependable and faithful, leading God to increase their capacity for service. The Holy Spirit anointed them, not because they were the most qualified, but because their hearts were willing and available."
“God does not begin by asking us about our ability but only about our availability, and if we then prove our dependability, He will increase our capacity." Neal. A Maxwell
Reflection Question
How can you make yourself more available to God's calling, regardless of your perceived qualifications?
Abba Father, we often find ourselves valuing worldly knowledge and associating with those deemed important by worldly standards. Forgive us, Lord, for these moments when we rely more on human wisdom and networks than on Your guidance. Help us to cultivate hearts that are fully available to You, hearts that are dependable and ready to serve. Teach us to seek Your presence as Peter and John did, so that we too might be transformed and used mightily in Your kingdom. Empower us through the Holy Spirit to be bold and effective witnesses of Your love and grace. In Jesus' name, Amen.