Radical faith like Noah

By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith. Hebrew 11:7

Noah's Ark is a supreme example that no matter how impossible or big a task God commands, we can make the impossible possible through faith. Noah had never seen a flood before, and it took him decades to build an enormous ark. According to the key verse for today, God chose the right person to complete His divine project, a man who has a holy fear of the Lord and respect for Him. 

Faith without action is not faith at all. Noah didn't just believe God's word, he did everything the Lord commanded, as recorded in Genesis 6. The same scripture was repeated twice. Even though the ark project had so much complexity, Noah didn't get overwhelmed and paralyzed. His faith led him to "do everything God commanded him to do," a simple but profound faith. 

Noah showed great faith that we don't have everything figured out, God points us in a direction to go, and so the impossible is possible through faith. Noah listened to God's word, and he took action by cutting down the first tree to build an ark. 

Noah might have had doubtful moments when looking at the incomplete ark, especially his peers mocked him for what he was doing. However, Noah's eyes weren't fixated on earthly circumstances, but on a higher level. It is only through this radical faith that he can rise above his circumstances.  

God often uses "simple" people to accomplish complicated projects, as their faith leads to unwavering obedience.

We can learn from Noah's radical faith and obedience as we face daunting tasks in our lives. This could be a calling, a mission, or a radical life change for His purposes. Noah's example teaches us that our hard work and faith in God, even when misunderstood by people, are never in vain. There are often struggles and sacrifices along the road of obedience, but it is this path that leads to salvation and blessings beyond our imagination. 

Blessing prayer: May we walk with you like Noah, to please you and finish building the ark in our lives through faith. In Jesus' name, Amen


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