A beautiful mind - Honorable  (Part 3) 

Christian devotional, devotional

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7

The second attribute that we can think about is “honorable ”. In Greek, honorable means reverend and venerable. In my understanding, this refers to character with high in ethical standards and nobility. I immediately associate the word honorable with “chivalry”. 

In medieval times, knights had to follow a code of honor called chivalry. Modern day definitions of chivalrous men refer to men who display respect, good manners, and kindness towards women. The quality of being a gentleman and chivalrous is highly desirable. More than displaying proper manners or being a gentleman, I wanted to emphasize that chivalry is a biblical and Godly character that applies to both men and women. 

Most  stories, movies, and literature are based on chivalry themes. Western medieval literature often features a knight battling a dragon and rescuing a beauty in an epic tale. Chinese culture also features the "Wuxia genre" of chivalrous tales of Kung fu masters who fight evil to deliver the helpless.  The story of chivalry seems ingrained in our consciousness and is part of our DNA. Most boys dream of being a superhero or hero warrior, while most girls dream of being rescued or fought for. 

Does this story seem familiar to you? Christ is the knight, the great warrior who fights the dragon (Satan), and gives His life in order to save His bride (Humanity).  The knight was not dead. He was resurrected and defeated the dragon forever, and Christ and His bride lived happily ever after.  Seeing Jesus as the ultimate, chivalrous knight who exemplifies valor, courage, selflessness, and sacrificial love, our thoughts are filled with honor and worthy of respect; this is the essence of the second attribute, "honorable.". 

Though the word chivalrous sounds masculine and knightly, it also expresses kindness, restraint, courtesy, and grace applicable to both men and women. Especially in the Bible, there are many female chivalrous characters like Ruth and Esther.  

Every son and daughter of God is called to be God's warriors by being loyal and devoted to Jesus so that we reflect His honorable and chivalrous character. 

Blessing prayer: Your word is our code of honor, and we are filled with devotion, holiness, and allegiance to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen


A beautiful mind - Just  (Part 4) 


A beautiful mind - Truth (Part 2)