A midway review

My first devotional was published on January 13, 2023. It has been 6 months since then that I have been writing daily devotionals. It's time for me to share why I started this and what I've done so far. 

Jane, my sister and life coach, helped me kickstart the process. As I told her, I felt stuck in my life and hadn't used God's gifts, such as writing and public speaking. As a result of her guidance, I've decided to write something about my revelation after my daily bible reading, and she asked me to get back to her with 8 articles before our next session. So that's how the whole thing started, and I began sharing my daily devotionals via Whatsapp broadcasts. In the beginning, Sister cow cow helped me translate the English into Chinese, so I started sharing with more Chinese readers as a result. 

In April, I also felt stuck with my startup and career, so I asked brother Ivan for some business advice. His suggestion was to combine my art tech knowledge with devotionals. I learned I could use AI software to generate images. I spent the whole Easter weekend building the blog, uploading all previous entries with AI generated images, and then I launched csministries.org and started posting them to Twitter in May. 

This devotional ministry has continued to grow as a result of my stuck moment and the right people to counsel me. Brother Zac asked me how I was doing writing this daily, if I felt overwhelmed by it. My answer was that it is both a daily encounter with God and a daily battle with my flesh. In my daily encounter with God, He gives me specific topics and revelations to write about, what to study, and then how to summarize. By writing, I am trained to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and receive the download from God. For me, this process is a huge blessing.

However, the battle is real. I sometimes struggle with "My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak". Since I don't always have the energy or mood to write something, the enemy tempts me to stop writing. God's faithfulness keeps me going whenever I feel like to quit. The Holy Spirit reminds me that I do this for God and not for myself or others. 

Why am I doing this? There is no need for a strong reason or large numbers of readers to motivate me to keep writing. A parent raises a child out of love, people who love one another out of genuine love. I simply love the word of God and what he reveals to us. As long as I do what I love - God and writing - I will keep up with this devotional ministry.

In this moment of gratitude, I would like to thank everyone for reading my devotional and sending me feedback and messages. It is my prayer that every devotional will bless everyone's lives with God's love. Thank you all!  

With love, 

Christine So


Pouring out our souls 


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