A wall or a door

If she is a wall, We will build upon her a battlement of silver; And if she is a door, we will enclose her with boards of cedar. Song of Songs 8:9

Today's verse describes how the brothers would prepare and protect their sister before her marriage. Taking the scriptures literally, if her sister keeps her purity and virginity, she will be rewarded and a silver tower will be built upon her. Alternatively, if she were like a door, which could allow unwise access, they would have to protect her with cedar boards.

Walls symbolize purity and faithfulness, as well as the ability to withstand temptations and allurements. Those who practice the virtues will be rewarded with a silver tower, a symbol of honor and value added to them. This is especially silver in the Bible, which represents commitment to holiness and righteousness. As a result, God will honor our virtue and steadfastness if we build a wall that stands firmly against immoral approaches. 

A door appears weaker than a wall, and may represent weakened faith and insecurity, making it more susceptible to temptation and compromise. There is no condemnation, but rather the brothers strengthen the door with cedar boards. The cedar is supposed to offer special protection, as cedar is well known for its hardness and durability, and was used in David and Solomon's palaces. 

The metaphor illustrates the reality that some believers and churches may be walls or doors. Walls are obviously desirable in the Lord as symbols of purity and steadfast faith that can withstand worldly influences and temptation. The reality is that, as humans, we are likely to be the "door", often susceptible to outside influences, vulnerable to seduction, and inconsistent in our faith at times. God, on the other hand, doesn't despise the door, but rather strengthens it, beautifies it, and provides special protection, enabling us to keep bad influences at bay. This is an example of “mercy triumphs over judgment.” 

Our Christian walk can sometimes be the wall or the door. When someone is faithful and steadfast like a wall, we can honor them. As others are like a door, do not dishonor them, but protect and support them. We should continue defending and building up the city together, because God wants us to be valiant in our faith like a wall, and we can watch over people's weakness by giving them extra protection and restoration. 

Blessing prayer: We pray for you to keep us faithful like a wall, to give us mercy when our door is open, and to protect us from evil influences. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Getting deep 


My born again experience (Part 2)