Getting deep 

Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water, But a man of understanding will draw it out. Proverbs 20:5

The key verse  addresses a fundamental truth: our hearts are like deep water. We are made with depth by God's design, so our hearts are never shallow. That's why we're made to connect deeply, to be loved deeply. 

Nevertheless, going deep within our hearts may be scary, as we are required to take risks to explore those depths. Similar to deep sea explorers, they must navigate the unknown and discover some secret, hidden thoughts. Thoughts like our true intent, our private thoughts, particularly our innermost fear, we tend to guard it carefully so no one can see or access, or even ourselves, since we don't know how things will turn out, whether we'll be rejected by others or if we're comfortable with the pain or trauma deep in our hearts.

There is a second person mentioned in the key verse, "a man of understanding" who will draw out deep water. It is God's heart for us to connect with others and receive ministry from others.  There are times when our hearts are too deep and knowing ourselves is not that easy, so it can be difficult for us to answer a simple question, “What do I want?”

It is God's grace that He sends people filled with God's spirit who are able to draw us from the deep waters of our souls. Particularly for those who love us enough to ask the deep question and are courageous enough to confront us that leave no sin buried and fear in our hearts.

In the meantime, let us also be the man of understanding, especially praying for churches full of people who love one another enough and have the spirit to understand each other. True fellowship goes beyond shallow conversation or intellectual exchange; rather, it is a heart-to-heart connection where wise counsel and divine guidance can be given. Do not let the man of understanding leave our lives, but treasure them or pray for God to send one if we do not have one. 

It takes both sides to have a divine and deep search. One needs to be open and allow another person to draw out the deep waters, while the other person needs wisdom from the Holy Spirit'. 

How can we become men of understanding? In my opinion, receiving ministry from the Spirit is the first condition. For Jesus is referred to as the “wonderful counselor”, the more we can be open and raw to Him, the more He will be able to access and draw out our deep waters. As we go along this process, our understanding will no longer be shallow, but we will receive divine counsel, which will help us to understand people's hearts.

Blessing prayer: Give us the courage and understanding to go deep with ourselves and with others. We are open to you so that you can access the deep waters of our hearts . In Jesus Name, Amen 


Farmers' mindset


A wall or a door