Audit our thoughts (Part 2)

“Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” Romans 4:3

Our brains can form dominant neuron pathways, so if we dwell on negative thoughts, they become our default mode of thought. When we keep worrying, thinking on our anxious thoughts, it becomes our default and dominant thought pattern, so we are bounded by anxiety and fear. 

In Philippians 4:8, God gives us practical and direct advice about how to change our thoughts. But the word meditate or think is "logizomai" in Greek, which means "number, count, account, reckon"; it's like an accounting term for bookkeeping. 

Imagine our brain has a ledger to keep all the records, so we "logizomai" God which means counting and reflecting on what God has done for us. How do we count God's blessings? Just think about it continually. In thinking about God's blessings, His love and His promises, our minds register them and act upon them, so they become our dominant thoughts.  

 As an example, let's say one of the greatest truths is "God loves me", but our minds consume other things not related to this truth, such as negative thoughts or worldly stuff, etc. Therefore, we are unlikely to be able to "count" what God has done for us in order to confirm the truth "God loves me”. Thus, even when we have lip service, "claim it and declare it." to pretend something to be true to "make-believe", we don't really register God's Love as reality. 

Logizomai also refers to deep thinking rather than a passing, shallow thought. We are prone to ADHD due to the overload of information and social media in this age, so thinking deeply is becoming a lost art. "It is a process of careful study or reasoning, so the more time we devote to studying and contemplating God’s word, the deeper and more logical conclusions we can draw from it, or, to put another way, God’s word makes sense to us and becomes our dominant way of thinking. 

A final note is that God keeps a book for us, and as Abraham believed in God, God accounted “logizomai” Abraham as righteousness, so if we think deeply about God, not just in our mind, but in our heavenly account book, He will credit and “impute” righteousness to us. Let’s shift our minds back to God’s original design, to dwell on His goodness and truth! 

Blessing prayer: Lord, we turn our minds back to your original design to dwell on your goodness and truth. May the spirit renew and transform our minds. In Jesus' name, Amen 


Betrothed to the Holy one


Audit our thoughts (Part 1)