wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Be God’s mouth 

There are times when we are like Jeremiah when we have been following God fervently but are shaken by tough circumstances that challenge our faith in God's goodness. Because of this, we may breed unworthy thoughts.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Betrothed to the Holy one

In Christ, every believer is the bride of Christ; we don't want to defy our purity and commit adultery with the world. In particular, the word "betroth" symbolizes the promise of faithfulness when we receive the Holy Spirit as a seal and down payment for our marriage.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Audit our thoughts (Part 2)

It is a process of careful study or reasoning, so the more time we devote to studying and contemplating God’s word, the deeper and more logical conclusions we can draw from it, or, to put another way, God’s word makes sense to us and becomes our dominant way of thinking.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Audit our thoughts (Part 1) 

"Truth" is the pillar of godly thought life, so when a thought creeps into our minds, we should ask "Is it aligned with God's truth?". Having our minds firmly grounded in truth allows us to develop all other qualities that are positive, encouraging, and uplifting.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Seek God’s plan

Seeking God doesn't just happen when we face crises and fight battles like kings did, it isi a lifestyle and heart attitude.

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wisdom, word study Christine So wisdom, word study Christine So

Life revives  

Being poor in spirit is to understand that God is holy so a man’s sinful nature is acknowledged that causes feelings of contrition which means “brokenhearted in spirit”, so when we are aware of His two places, His high and Holy one, then He will come down into our inward spirit to revive us.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

The mysteries of the Kingdom 

God does not withhold the truth in order to make us ignorant, in fact “it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” Proverbs 25:2 The mysteries of God are only discernible by spiritual eyes, especially the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, which most people consider “foolishness”.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Holy Meekness 

Meekness is the true strength. Often meekness is regarded as weak or feminine, and it is mixed up with timidity and cowardice. The definition of meekness is strength under control, and a person who truly has a strong heart and a fortitude of heart can demonstrate meekness.

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word study, wisdom Christine So word study, wisdom Christine So

Remember Me

Biblical "remembrance" is not a flashback of memories or the mental capacity of retaining information. "Remember" in Hebrew is "zakar", which implies not only a mental state but a process leading to action.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Sowing to the Spirit 

There is a profound spiritual principle of sowing and reaping, and this law applies both to our present reality and to eternity. Whether we sow to our flesh or to our spirit, all our actions have long-term and eternal consequences.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Guidance in the midst of adversity 

Life can bring hardships and suffering. The key verse here explains that suffering is like bread and water, which are necessities. The word "adversity" refers to our enemies, which is a spiritual reality that Satan attempts to devour us. The word "affliction" refers to oppression, and these sufferings are inevitable.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Completed in divine delays

"Complete" in today's key verse is Katartismos, which means preparation, equipment, and completion. It is an important process to develop spiritual maturity and refine our character and faith in God.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Smile :) 

"Smiles are the best gifts we can give to others". Giving our SMILE is an act of love that lights up the world. Smiles can brighten someone's day and it's contagious just like my example earlier.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Living into our values 

Identifying our core values helps us understand what matters to us, so we can make choices aligned with them to live intentionally. Knowing our core values does not stop us from seeking God's guidance and discernment on a daily basis.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Redeeming the borrowed life 

y living with the "borrow" concept, we are aware that this life isn't really ours, but God's, as He is lending us our lives and everything to complete His divine mission.

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wisdom Christine So wisdom Christine So

Do not despise the small things 

“Despise” means to consider someone or something unworthy, insignificant, and worthless. King David's sin with Bathsheba is not just about murder and adultery. Instead, it is about "despising God's commandment ”

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