Remember Me

Remember me, O Lord, with the favor You have toward Your people. Oh, visit me with Your salvation, Psalm 106:4

Biblical "remembrance" is not a flashback of memories or the mental capacity of retaining information. "Remember" in Hebrew is "zakar", which implies not only a mental state but a process leading to action. Often, zakar refers to God "remembering" His covenant with His people, leading to His divine intervention to rescue Israel from slavery and exile. 

Today's key verse is a common prayer to God "remember me." It also describes God's answers to prayers, such as opening Rachel's womb when He "remembered" her. (Gen:30:22) There are many examples in the Bible, such as when God remembers Noah, Hannah, Job, the Israelites, etc. When God "remembers" a person, He is turning His attention to them and acting on their behalf.

Because God created human minds so He understands we are forgetful people and need constant reminders, like remembering Sabbath so we can rest and knowing God is in control. Jesus wants us to have communion so we can remember His sacrifice. 

“Zakar” pictograph depicts a sharp knife cutting upon a bent head, suggesting that the spirit anoints our heads. Remembrance is one of the Holy Spirit's functions. Several years ago, I was invited to a yacht trip with Chinese female tech entrepreneurs and they asked me how I was so joyful and courageous. I was led to share my testimony about Jesus boldly by the Holy Spirit. In no time at all, almost everyone on the table was sharing their "remembrances" of their encounters with other Christians in their old days, and one lady was so tearful that she confessed that she abandoned Jesus and wanted to return to him. It is the Holy Spirit who will guide us in remembering the things of God. 

Never forget that God remembers us and holds us dear to His heart. Whenever He remembers us, He takes action on our behalf, since Remember is an "action word". May the Holy Spirit remind us of the sweet memories of the Lord so we can always “Remember remember, the goodness of Jehovah! ” 

Blessing prayer: Thank you for remembering us and acting in our best interests. May the Holy Spirit always keep you in our remembrance.


Holy Meekness 


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