Holy Meekness 

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29

Meekness is the true strength. Often meekness is regarded as weak or feminine, and it is mixed up with timidity and cowardice. The definition of meekness is strength under control, and a person who truly has a strong heart and a fortitude of heart can demonstrate meekness. Conversely, when someone constantly portrays a strong image or boasts themselves as strong, it may hide their true weakness.

I found holy meekness to be frighteningly strong and I added the word "holy" to depict a standard that only Jesus or a few men on earth can attain. The ultimate expression of "Holy Meekness" comes from Jesus, a true authority who has all the power and even the capability to release twelve thousand angels under his fingertips. The most radical part of Jesus' act is that he washed all the disciples' feet, including Judah, who would soon betray Him. Judah's betrayal was foreknown to Him, and He had every reason not to wash his feet. 

Meekness is a manifestation of the spiritual fruit, contrary to human fleshy nature and natural temperament. Practicing meekness is a learned behavior, and Jesus says in the key verse, "learn from me". Meekness requires God's grace as well as our intention to cultivate and show agape love. 

There are two conditions, however, that make it hard for us to become meek.Firstly, when we carry a heavy burden and load, some families members, caregivers, and people under stressful situations have trouble controlling their temperament and patience and often lash out at others easily. Therefore, laying down our burden and finding true rest for our souls in Jesus must be our first step. In addition, meek people are not self-willed, are not overly concerned with their own ways, or seek justice and independence from themselves. Having meekness means being willing to yield and submit yourself to what is right, like Jesus was able to obey to the point of death. Thus, meekness is the antithesis of self-will and self-interest. 

Meekness is true strength, and it is quietness and trust in God's righteousness and grace to overcome injustices and tough circumstances. May the Holy Spirit give us disciplined strength and make our gentle spirit evident to all. 

Blessing prayer: Let's make ourselves small in order to bear fruit of meekness. We let go of ourselves and burdens to receive Jesus' holy meekness. In Jesus' name, Amen 


Deadly roots of bitterness 


Remember Me