The mysteries of the Kingdom 

“For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance, but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. Matthew 33:12 

Today's key verse is often cited by the "Matthew effect," which suggests accumulated advantage in society. In simple terms, "the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer." There may be some truth in this social phenomenon, but Jesus refers to this spiritual principle when He refers to "the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven." 

There are many great mysteries in the Bible, which are spiritual truths only revealed by God through divine inspiration. “A mystery is not made known to other generations as it has not been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets. (Ephesians 3:5)

God does not withhold the truth in order to make us ignorant, in fact “it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” Proverbs 25:2  The mysteries of God are only discernible by spiritual eyes, especially the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, which most people consider “foolishness”. 

The mystery of God cannot be understood by human intelligence. No matter how intelligent AI might be, they do not possess the spirit to be able to download God's secrets. In spite of how fast they collect data from human sources, all mysteries can only be revealed to us by the Spirit. 

It's God's heart to unveil these great mysteries to us, but here's the question: how do we unlock the hidden secret, especially that of the kingdom of God? I believe the key to knowing is through "experiential" revelation.  In choosing His disciples, Jesus first observed their hearts being ready for the Truth, so He called fisherman, tax collectors regardless of their backgrounds, because they saw their willingness to “act on truth.” They followed God and acted on truth when Jesus asked “Come, follow me.” 

When our heart opens to the truth (Jesus) and acts upon the truth, He reveals to us the more secret things as we obey His words. God will reveal His wisdom and mysteries to us through serving ministry and applying His word, and we will experience Jesus, the truth, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of the Kingdom as a result of Christ's overflowing in our lives. 

In other words, the more we seek the truth and act on it, the more abundance we will have, as the key verse suggests. The Kingdom of God is a gift, God will reveal His secret and we can experience the riches and benefits of the Kingdom more fully. 

Blessing prayer: May we commit ourselves to your truth, so that we can understand and experience the mysteries of your Kingdom on earth through seeking and applying your word. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Go not empty


Deadly roots of bitterness