Anxiety & Care

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Anxiety and cares have the same Greek word “merimna”, which means to divide, separate, and draw different directions.

In addition to anxiety, the Greek word "merimnao" can also be used in a positive way, synonyms include concern, care, and genuine interest. As Paul described Timothy, he will sincerely care (Merimna) for his fellow believers and stated that one of the advantages of being single is that we can be concerned (Merimna) about God's things. But how can we distinguish “Godly concern” from “toxic anxiety”?

Before we explore their major differences, I note that anxious people are usually caring people, and I have also observed that anxiety has a pattern of progressing that escalates into a downward spiral. It all begins with a small thought. As an example, say someone is experiencing shoulder pain, and worries about it. The next thought leads to another, and eventually the person thinks about death and asks his or her children to look after earthly possessions. That story isn't made up. It happened to my family member, and I understand what it's like to contemplate anxious thinking progressively over time.

There are therefore key differences between "anxiety" and "care". Anxiety separates our Godly thoughts that cause us to forget God exists and cares, so it makes us preoccupied with the things of the world. Instead, “Godly concern”s separate our thoughts from worldly concerns so we can care for God and others. This reflects God's attributes because He cares about His children!   

When I learn that anxiety and care are the same word, I can reframe some anxiety as legitimate concern about care, but not knowing God's care. As I try to calm my family member, "if a mere human cares so much for their children, how much more does our heavenly father?"

Anxiety, therefore, is a call to God's awareness. We can cast ALL our anxieties on Him because He cares.

Blessing prayer: Let the Holy Spirit bring us to Jesus when we feel anxious to remind us that God cares deeply. In Jesus' name, Amen 


Do not grumble 


Do not despise the small things