Overcoming shame (Part 2)
The glory of God is known as light (Revelation 21:23). It requires our faith to trade our shame for His glory, so that we no longer withhold our brokenness and pain from God in darkness, but expose all our shame to Him. Shame dies when exposed to light.
Overcoming shame (Part 1)
Therefore, guilt refers to "DOING" something wrong, while shame refers to "BEING" something wrong. Since shame attacks our identity, being who we are, it is the devil's favorite weapon.
The loop of denial (Part 3)
Balance between "Grace and truth" is one of the most important but hardest lessons we need to learn in life. Sometimes we are too much "grace" in relationships, and too soft on the truth because we want to be peacekeepers instead of peacemakers.
The loop of denial (Part 1)
Our defensive mechanisms include denial, which is one of the known self-reliant coping mechanisms, as it allows us to avoid physical and emotional pain, fear, and trauma. It is our survival mechanism for preventing harm and self-preservation.
The swamp of self-pity (Part 2)
It is men's responsibility to step out to receive God’s remedy to escape the swamp of self-pity. In order to overcome any sin, one must first repent and receive God's remedy, which is Christ's finished work on the cross.
The swamp of self-pity (Part 1)
Self-pity is highly addictive because it allows us to play the "poor me" card. I feel so sorry for myself. It is self-pity that says, “I am right because I have been wronged.”
Anxiety & Care
I note that some anxious people are caring people, and I have also observed that anxiety has a pattern of progressing that escalates into a downward spiral.
What is inner healing ministry?
The inner healing ministry can help keep our spiritual home clean and in order with spirit-filled approaches that eliminate spiritual garbage and rats.