The loop of denial (Part 3) 

These are the things you shall do: Speak each man the truth to his neighbor; Give judgment in your gates for truth, justice, and peace. Zechariah 8:17

The process of getting out of denial is complex and individual, so it is difficult to provide a universal solution that works for everyone. In addition, confronting denial isn't easy, we need God's grace to face the truth, recognise that we are in denial, and then be open to God's help and receive external support, such as professional help. 

Even though the journey is often not straightforward and facing our innermost fears and uncomfortable realities can be a scary experience, as we move out of denial, we gain acceptance and authenticity which is great for building our emotional resilience and overall well-being. 

As I prayed for my theme verse for 2023, today's key verse appeared. At first, I had no clue why God sent it until recently I realized it was a message to get out of my denial loop. The verse suggests we need to speak truth to others as well as to give judgement for "truth, justice, and especially peace" It dawned on me that my wrong belief about "peace" led me into a prolonged denial loop.

Balance between "Grace and truth" is one of the most important but hardest lessons we need to learn in life. Sometimes we are too much "grace" in relationships, and too soft on the truth because we want to be peacekeepers instead of peacemakers. 

When it comes to peacekeepers, they are often driven by fear, fear of conflict and men, which fosters people-pleasing tendencies and lack of courage to speak the truth. Meanwhile, peacemakers are not afraid of conflict, but actively resolve it and find a solution, thus promoting peace by balancing "grace" and "truth". 

Like John 8, Jesus extended grace (no condemnation) and truth (sin no more) to the adulterous woman.  It is the same as dealing with our own denial issues and speaking the truth with others; we can speak the truth with love so people won't feel judged and condemned, while providing grace to ourselves and others.  May God show us how to live authentically, courageously, and free ourselves from the loop of denial by enabling us to exercise grace and truth.

Blessing prayer: May we embody your grace and truth in our lives, bringing truth, justice, and peace. We command all falsehood and lying to leave, in Jesus' name, Amen


The ministry of reconciliation 


The loop of denial (Part 2)