Do not grumble 

Do everything without grumbling or arguing. Philippians 2:14

Grumbling in Greek is gongysmos, which can also be translated as "murmuring," "complaining," or "secret displeasure not openly avowed.” In Hebrew, grumbling is translated as "whispered rebellion", so God hates grumbling because grumbling is like growling against God”. 

Usually, parents are displeased when their children are ungrateful and complain a lot. Grumbling is a declaration that “Not good enough! ”Similarly, when the Israelites grumbled against God, they complained about their circumstances. God's anger was kindled because ungrateful people rejected His supernatural provision and guidance. God had heard enough whining.

Furthermore, the Bible clearly instructs us not to grumble against one another ”. There is a Chinese expression 怨天尤人 which means “groan against God and blame other people.”

Grumbling is toxic. It is caused by sin and darkness. It is grumbling that infiltrates the distrust towards God, and if we don't address the heart issue, it will lead to bitterness and resentment. 

Is this to say that Christians cannot complain and must be happy and grateful all the time and deny their negative feelings? No, not at all. If God doesn't mind us pouring out our complaints and troubles to Him, how do we do it without grumbling?  The key is whether it is based on "faith". “for whatever is not from faith is sin.” Romans 14:23 

As the lamenting psalmists express their authentic feelings towards God, they do not lose perspective that God is still merciful and good and they maintain faith in him. Therefore, God wants us to be "faithful complainers", not faithless grumblers. 

Furthermore, when we have complaints against or about the situation, instead of venting out to others who cannot help the situation, we just emit our toxic emotions. The mature way would be to talk to that person privately and sort out the issue with God's wisdom. We sometimes find that people are receptive to honest discussion.

Also, a cheerful and willing heart delights God and others. Gratitude shines His light to the world, while grumbling is like a vacuum of darkness that saps our joy and peace and emits the poison of bitterness.  Rather than grumbling, let us thank God and offer our requests to God in private.

Blessing prayer: Help us to believe despite difficult circumstances. Instead of focusing on problems and insufficiency, may the Holy Spirit guide us to see things from God's perspective.In Jesus' name, Amen


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