The key to kindness

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

Kindness is one of God's evident and essential characteristics and one of the manifestations of spiritual fruit. Rick Warren defines kindness as "love in action".

A person's kindness is also defined as "treating others the way one wants them to treat oneself." This is commonly referred to as the "golden rule," but it is taught by Jesus who explains that it is actually a spiritual law. The law is "If we want to receive mercy from God, we have to show mercy to others.” James 2:13. Since God shows mercy and kindness to all, it is imperative for us to be kind to others and share God's kindness. 

In Greek, "Kind" is chrestos, which has interesting meanings. It means “easy” and “manageable” as opposed to “burdensome”.

"Chrestos" is used in the famous verse "for my yoke is easy (chrestos)" Matthew 11:30. Therefore, there is a revelation behind why people behave in an unkind or mean manner to others or even to themselves, I believe they are carrying heavy burdens. 

As an example, when we are in a rush and so hectic, it is hard to stop and help an old lady on the street when she needs assistance. When parents and caregivers are overburdened or stressed, they will sometimes lose patience and kindness. In times of overwhelm, it is particularly hard for me to show kindness to others or even to myself.  

Henceforth, we need to exchange our heavy yokes for Jesus' yokes, which are easy and manageable. His yoke is made specifically for us to accomplish His plans. Why is His yoke so easy? Because Jesus is kind to us, He will never burden us beyond our limits.

We can be kind to ourselves by accepting Jesus' invitation to “come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest ”. By resting in God and exchanging our yokes to Him, we will be able to love and be kind to others as life becomes easier and manageable.

Blessing prayer: We praise you for who you are! For you are compassionate and gracious, Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. Let us reflect on your kindness and rest in your love. In Jesus' name, Amen


Knowing our limits


Do not grumble