Do not despise the small things 

AI, Christian devotional

For who has despised the day of small things? Zechariah 4:10

“Despise” means to consider someone or something unworthy, insignificant, and worthless. King David's sin with Bathsheba is not about murder and adultery. Instead, it is about "despising God's commandment ” (2 Samuel 12:9) 

Therefore, we can despising God and His word. In many cases, we lack love for God and have a limited spiritual understanding that makes it difficult for us to value spiritual truth. When we despise something, consequences follow. Proverbs 13:13 states, "He who despises the word will be destroyed, But he who fears the commandment will be rewarded." As for Esau, he despised his birthright, and God chose Jacob over him, so Esau lost his blessings. Things we despise are the things we lose, while things we value are rewarded.

In today's devotional, I confess that I despised the process and small things in my life. This caused me to feel dissatisfied with my life. In particular, I felt defeated when someone told me my career and ministry were not big and effective enough. After that, the enemy's lies assaulted me in a big way, as if everything I did was pointless and made me feel worthless. As I was overwhelmed by my strongholds, God picked me up and spoke the truth over me, reminding me not to despise the process, especially the small things. 

Joseph is a man of process, even as a slave and prisoner, he never stopped working hard and getting promoted wherever he went. Neither complained nor despised his surroundings. He did not question God, “Why is God keeping something good from me unjustly? ” “Does God truly care?” Because Joseph didn't view God with contempt, so God was with him and Joseph prospered. In spite of small things, Joseph passed the process and test splendidly.  

We can be guilty of despising small things and being dissatisfied that we aren't involved in big things. We forget that God uses small things to glorify Himself (1 Cor 1:28). It may seem small to the world, but in God's eyes, there is no such thing as small or insignificant. In addition, Jesus began small and seemed to finish small when people around him expected him to overthrow the Roman regime. What's more, Jesus died on the cross in the most humiliating way, looking insignificant, yet His death and resurrection are the most powerful things ever.

Don't despise the small things or the process. Instead, rejoice that we are part of God's big plan. We value doing every small thing heartily for the Lord, because everything we do is motivated by His love!  

Blessing prayer: May you deliver us from the spirit of contempt and the urge to look "big" in this  world. It is God who uses small things to display your great glory. In Jesus' name, Amen


Anxiety & Care


Overcoming strongholds (Part 2)