God's foundation with His timing

Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; Whoever believes will not act hastily. Isaiah 28:16

A foundation is not just used to build physical buildings; everything in our lives has a foundation as well. It is the bedrock on which everything is built and layered. An invisible foundation exists for every aspect of our lives including career, faith, marriage, ministry business, etc. It takes time to build a solid foundation, so we cannot rush when building the foundation. 

God may need to tear down the entire old building, which is a long and painful process, to give us Jesus Christ as the cornerstone of that new foundation. Perhaps the old building was built on a shaky foundation, which may have been our origin, past, or our carnal flesh. Cracks on the walls or a collapsed building are obvious signs of foundational problems. 

According to today's key verse, a solid foundation will prevent us from acting hastily. When our foundation is not built on Jesus, but on something else, we tend to move too quickly and do things in our own way. We forget that our Father God is involved. We rush to do things the way we want and react to the storm, so it is motivated by anxiety and especially pride. It takes humility to pause, inquire, and wait on the Lord to act. 

God wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives, from the smallest detail to the biggest life decision. Though we wait upon the Lord and seek His counsel, it may appear that things are not moving, or too slow, but God has been at work behind the scenes laying a precious cornerstone as our foundation that will build us up. In the meantime, God is tearing down old foundations, removing wrong people, molding our character, and lining up favor and divine appointments. God is not slow to keep His promises, and in Isaiah 60:22, God promises “I, the Lord will hasten it in its’ time.” 

Whenever God moves, it is divine acceleration, and He promises us that “when the time is right, I will make it happen.”  It is pointless to force a door to open or manipulate our circumstances, for “He who believes shall not make haste”. 

Be prepared for God to move things quickly at the right time. Trust in God's beautiful timing. All we need to do is trust in Jesus as our true foundation, for He is the solid ground that endures the test of time. So why do we rush?

Blessing prayer: Jesus, we lay our foundation upon you and trust that you will build and raise us up in your perfect time. Please give us patience and humility in Jesus' name, Amen.


Guidance in the midst of adversity 


The Spirit of Counsel and Might