The Spirit of Counsel and Might 

The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord. Isaiah 11:1-2

Today's key verse mentions one spirit of God, yet it comes with seven manifestations. Particularly, the spirit of counsel and might are best combined when God's purpose must be completed, and it is vital that these two spirits operate hand-in-hand.

Firstly, the spirit of counsel teaches us what to do and reveals God's strategy. Basically, it's God's divine instructions to walk in the right path and make right choices.  As if a personal advisor is guiding us, "you'll hear a voice telling you, "this is the way, walk here." Isaiah 30:21. Throughout the Bible, wise kings are portrayed as wise counselors who give guidance to the people, and the Israelite kings needed counselors during wars and for ruling affairs. Jesus is described in Isaiah 9:6 as the wonderful counselor, or an extraordinary strategist, who is beyond our minds and whose advice gives us divine success.

Despite knowing what to do, plans cannot be carried out without the spirit of might. Having all the wise counsel in the world is worthless without the strength to put it into action. "Might" comes from the Hebrew word "Gibbor", which means "strong, champion, he who excels", and Jesus is called "El Gibbor" or "Mighty God”. Might is like a warrior spirit that overpowers obstacles. It empowers us to live in victory, it keeps us moving forward even in the face of obstacles, it gives us courage and power “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Ephesians 6:10

Having counsel without might is just empty talk, while having might without counsel is just beating the air. Because God knows our needs, He sent the Holy Spirit as our helper, who is our counselor and strengthener. Therefore, these are always great prayer points to ask God to give us counsel and strength to carry out His will in all areas of our lives. Remember that it is His counsel, not our own understanding, His might, not our own strength.

Similarly, we need God's word (counsel) and the Holy Spirit's power (might) to live victoriously. Let us be filled with the Spirit of God so we can be wise and powerful to carry out God's will! 

Blessing prayer: May the spirit of the Lord be upon us so that we can receive your divine counsel and be filled with your might! In Jesus’ name, Amen


God's foundation with His timing


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