God is my reward

AI, Christian devotional

“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” Genesis 15:1

Today's key verse reveals one of God's most significant attributes as a rewarder. More than just a rewarder, God Himself is our reward. I find this promise extremely comforting, as I used to be invovled with an unjust business relationship and felt like Jacob who was mistreated by Laban because of unfair wages.

"Reward" in Hebrew is Sakar, meaning wages, compensation, or benefit. Realizing that God is both the rewarder and our reward, brings us powerful assurance. The covenant promises of God not only reward us in heaven with everlasting rewards, but also in our earthly lives.

Living without fear is God's reward, as it says in the key verse, "Don't be afraid!" Because God is with us, and our security is in His righteousness, we have no fear of men and condemnation. Where there is righteousness, there is peace.

“I am your” indicates a personal relationship. Because of this everlasting relationship, God promises to provide security, protection (like a shield) and an exceedingly great reward which means abundant blessings, exceedingly favor and a glorious future. God is with us as protector and provider, which means that God's relationship guarantees these benefits. 

Never forget that God himself is the ultimate and satisfying reward, knowing His presence, love, and faithfulness. He is the one who will meet our unmet needs. However It takes faith and hope to apprehend that God is our reward, and it requires that we seek God diligently: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).

Do not be discouraged even if others do not acknowledge or compensate for our values. God offers us greater rewards than man. Let us declare this in faith and hope: “I don’t need to be afraid! My God is my shield and He is my exceedingly great reward.” 

Blessing prayer: You are our greatest reward and may your presence flow like a mighty river so we can rejoice in you as our reward. In Jesus' name, Amen 


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