Living into our values 

So teach us to number our days,  that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12 

The Bible emphasizes that our lives on earth are like vapors or fleeting shadows. Our temporary earthly existence is seen in light of the eternal perspective, showing the brevity and fragility of human life. 

Our time is limited, so this concept encourages us to gain wisdom so that we can make the most of it and fulfill our purpose. In my experience, finding our core values can lead us to discover our purpose aligned with God's will. This simple exercise will help you discover your core values with a worksheet.

Step 1: From the list, choose and write down any core values that resonate with you. Don't overthink your choice and there is no limit to how many you can select. Write down any values that are not on the list.

Step 2: Group similar values together into one group. Group them together in a way that makes sense to you. Create five maximum groupings

Step 3: . Within each grouping, choose ONE word that represents the entire group 

Step 4: Add a verb to each value so you can see what it looks like as an actionable value, for example (e.g. Create fun, multiply happiness, pursue wellbeing) 

As an example, my core values are "Impart faith", "Pursue total wellbeing", "Activate transformation" and "Apply wisdom", so I am fulfilled when my ministry, vocational and leisure choices align with my core values.  Because everyone is unique and has different gifts, talents, and passions, each of us has different values. 

Identifying our core values helps us understand what matters to us, so we can make choices aligned with them to live intentionally. Knowing our core values does not stop us from seeking God's guidance and discernment on a daily basis. We must still be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit when making decisions. 

Since our days are short, let us spend our time on what matters most - prioritizing our relationship with God, engaging in meaningful relationships, living our values and using our gifts for the Kingdom of God.

Blessing prayer: May the Holy Spirit empower us to know our value in Christ so we can share our values with others. May our lives reflect your love and help make a lasting impact in this world, in Jesus' name, Amen


Smile :) 


A “Kun” Heart