Boaz’s field

Do not go to glean in another field, nor go from here, but stay close to my young women. Ruth 2:8

The book of Ruth is more than a great love story, as it has symbolic and prophetic meanings about Christ and His people. Particularly the details and what happens at Boaz's field are noteworthy since Jesus reveals Himself there and His redemptive plans.  Boaz is a type of Christ, while Ruth represents gentile believers. 

During the famine in Moab, Ruth and Naomi went back to Bethlehem during the Barley harvest, which takes place in spring and represents the newness of life and the resurrection.

Ruth by chance gleaned in Boaz's field and gleaning means picking up the leftover crops. In today's verse, Boaz asked Ruth to stay in his field to partake of the harvest near the reapers, meaning she no longer gathered inferior crops but enjoyed a greater portion. It would seem that Jesus invited us to stay in His field, which provides favor, and protection, instead of gleaning in other fields that present worldly pursuits and spiritual poverty. We are all co-laborers with Christ and partakers of His harvest.

Another detail is the reapers in Boaz's field, they seem like fellow believers who work alongside Christ. It is important to see Boaz working among the reapers, offering them blessings and saying, "The Lord be with you." Boaz, like Jesus, shared mealtimes with fellow reapers, providing bread and water till they were satisfied. 

Moreover, Boaz noticed Ruth's virtue and favored her, and we know this story ends happily since Boaz married Ruth, just as Jesus received us as his bride! Let us stay in the Lord's field where there will be provision, protection and favor! Jesus has redeemed us and established an everlasting covenant with us.  

Blessing prayer: God, let us follow you wherever you go, and stay in your field. You have redeemed us from the power of darkness and we are your bride of Christ. Thank you for your extravagant love and favor upon us. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Righteousness brings peace


Gentleness comes from love