Casting your cares

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Casting means throwing upon in Greek. Imagine we are carrying heavy grocery bags and loading them into the back of the car.  By casting  upon the Lord, our burdens are lifted, but there is more than that, as the next phrase says, He cares for you, which means that God is actively working on our situations.

In the midst of difficult situations, we do not want to get stuck in anxiety; the more anxious we feel, the more we want to run away from it. In some cases, people attempt to control the situation or do their own thing that only makes things worse.

Thus, the first condition is to let go of anxieties and give them to the Lord, as God promises to keep us in perfect peace when we trust in Him.  We can exercise faith in God once our minds are peaceful, as we know He will act on our behalf and provide a way out for us.

It is a common question that people ask when we cast everything on the Lord what should we do because we cannot just forget about the situation or pretend it never happened. As we cast our anxiety to have peace, we will find it easier to hear from the Lord through prayer as He will give us revelation and guidance about the situation.

Sometimes His guidance appears as a traffic light. As red light signifies God's no, closing the door, or the Holy Spirit convicting us not to do something, red light exists to protect us and for our good.  When God gives us the green light to move forward, we feel confident to do so and take action.  Sometimes God will give us yellow light, when we don't hear from Him yet, so we can focus on what He wants us to do and trust His timing. 

As we have peace, we will be able to hear the Lord's voice easier, so we will have more clarity about the circumstances and can trust Him to take care of our burden. 

Blessing prayer: We cast our burdens on you and trust that you will act on them. May you give us peace of mind and a yielding heart to your guidance. In Jesus’ name, amen 


Move with fear


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